To provide for the continuing fellowship of all Laubach's, particularly descendants of Reinhart Laubach. To publish and
distribute periodic newsletters or other material of interest to Laubachs. To foster continuing research and publish research
papers on the history of the Laubach family, from early origins in Europe, through migrations to the New World, and to the
present generations. Membership in the association shall be open to all persons interested in or related to the Reinhart Laubach
family, including all variant spellings of the name. From Bylaws ---
On this page I'll provide a little information about who I am and what inspired me to do this research. Most of this information
was probably obtained from talking to living relatives and from researching public records. In the course of doing this research,
I've discovered that I have many more relatives than I ever thought possible!
This is a work in progress, so please
contact me if you have any information that might help round out the picture.